Drs. Uton Wartono, MM.

Former Training Expert at PT. Garuda Indonesia, specialising in designing Flight Attendant, Pilot, and Frontliner Training; Leading team at Garuda Indonesia Training Centre for Hospitality Training under Director General of the Ministry of Transportation of Republic Indonesia. Associated certified meta coach, Meta-Coach System, L. Michael Hall, PhD. Licensed master neuro-linguistic programming, approved by the Society of NLP, Richard Bandler. Certified BNSP (Master) instructor in methodology. Trainer / Facilitator for Service & Hospitality Mindset, Persuasive Communication & Negotiation, Public Speaking & Presentation. Associated certified meta coach, Meta-Coach System, L. Michael Hall, PhD. Licensed master neuro-linguistic programming, approved by the Society of NLP, Richard Bandler. Certified BNSP (Master) instructor in methodology.